Now Crowdfunding and 85% Funded: Local, Sustainable Fashion Space, The Fashion Pulpit

For those who are familiar with the sustainable fashion space, you would know Raye Padit. He is the co-founder of Connected Threads Asia, which runs the annual Fashion Revolution event in Singapore, and co-founded the popular Swapaholic, a regular clothes swapping event. His latest venture is a permanant space at Liang Court which offers not just swapping but mending and upcycling services, and it is called The Fashion Pulpit.

A crowdfunding campaign was launched in June, and at this point in time, the team has hit 85% of their target goal and there are three days left in this all or nothing campaign. Wish to lend your support? There are several tiers of rewards to choose from, and you can back the campaign here.

In their words, The Fashion Pulpit will be “A permanent swapping fashion space! One location, swap anytime, bring everyone. Not only will you be able to swap from the best selection of pre-loved fashion pieces, you can now upcycle and learn fashion tricks all at one place! We aim to provide convenience and flexibility on however and whenever you want to help us create a purpose-driven economy around sustainable fashion and conscious consumerism. The Fashion Pulpit will also be the very first of its kind in Singapore.”

If this is a cause that speaks to you, or if you know of someone who would be keen, please consider contributing and/or spreading the word :)

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